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Category: Senior Living

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How to Choose a Retirement Community

A group of older adults chatting over a meal at a table in a retirement community.

Moving into a retirement community is an essential milestone in one’s later years, often decided by a blend of health factors, lifestyle preferences, and the pursuit of a well-rounded, fulfilling existence.  But, when considering your next adventure, how do you choose the community that best fits your unique life? In this definitive guide, we’ll tell […]

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Talking to a Parent About Transitioning to Senior Living

An older adult woman and her daughter sitting on lawn chairs outside, smiling and talking to each other while holding a warm beverage

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to discussing the move to senior living. Here are some tips for talking to a parent about the transition into senior living: Remember, this conversation is the start of an ongoing dialogue about your parent’s health and well-being. Don’t go into it expecting that everything will instantly resolve, which is […]

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